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Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands have become increasingly popular over the past few years. These brands focus on selling products or services directly to consumers. In doing so, they cut out the middleman and are able to offer a more personalized shopping experience. One of the most effective ways that DTC brands can reach their target audience is through the up-and-coming stream of SMS marketing.
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What is SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is a form of marketing that involves sending messages to customers via text. These messages can include anything from product updates to exclusive discounts and promotions. SMS marketing is a highly effective marketing technique because it allows brands to reach customers where they spend the most time, on their mobile devices. In order to not come off as junk or spammy to customers, DTC brands need to create a strategy unique to this marketing stream.

How is SMS Marketing Effective?

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You are in Direct Communication with Customers

SMS marketing services allow DTC brands to communicate directly with their customers. Unlike social media or email marketing, which can be easily ignored, text messages have a high open rate. In fact, according to CrazyEgg, “text messages can have an average open rate of 98%.” This means that SMS marketing messages are more likely to be seen and engaged with by customers.
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Personalize the User Experience

A key benefit of DTC brands is that they offer a more personalized shopping experience. Both email and SMS marketing can enhance this experience by allowing brands to send personalized messages to customers. For example, with an SMS journey, a brand can send a personalized message to a customer on their birthday or offer them exclusive discounts based on their purchase history. This level of personalization can help build a stronger relationship between the brand and the customer.
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SMS Marketing is Cost-Effective

SMS marketing is a cost-effective marketing technique for DTC brands to add to their ongoing marketing strategy. Unlike other forms of marketing, such as TV or print advertising, SMS marketing is relatively inexpensive. It also has a high return on investment (ROI). According to a g2, “ 73% of marketers say email marketing is their best digital channel for return on investment (ROI).”
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Effective for Promotions and Sales

SMS marketing is particularly effective for promoting sales and special promotions. In 2022, G2 reported that “54% of consumers would like to receive promotions via SMS, but only 11% of businesses send them this way.” Brands should be sending exclusive discounts and promotions to their SMS subscribers, incentivizing them to make a purchase where they are looking for that information.
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Builds Customer Loyalty

DTC brands can use SMS marketing services to build customer loyalty in a number of ways. By offering exclusive discounts and promotions to their SMS subscribers, brands can make their customers feel valued and appreciated. DTC brands can segment based on a variety of engagement levels, purchaser behaviors, and website activities which can be used to drive the SMS marketing strategy. All of this can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

Where to Start with SMS Marketing

While SMS marketing is a highly effective marketing technique for DTC brands, there are some important elements that DTC brands need to follow to ensure success.
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Get Explicit Consent and Permission

Before sending any SMS marketing messages, brands should obtain explicit permission from their customers. This can be done by asking customers to opt-in to receive text messages when they make a purchase or by offering an opt-in on their website. DTC brands can easily stack this onto email marketing pop-ups and forms with small adjustments to the consent messaging.
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Keep Messages Short and Sweet

The SMS messages should be short and to the point, while ensuring that the messages provide value to your customers. These messages should include a clear call-to-action and a link to the product or promotion being offered. Whether it’s a discount code or information about a new product, make sure that your messages are relevant and valuable. Remember, every text counts!
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Testing and Timing is Everything

When it comes to email and SMS marketing services, timing is crucial. In order to get the best engagement and return, brands should consider the time of day and the day of the week when texts are being sent. Finding the “sweet spot” timeframe for sending texts comes from running multiple tests to see what the most optimal time is based on customer behaviors.

Focusing on SMS lead generation can be an incredibly valuable tool for direct-to-consumer brands. By increasing engagement, driving sales, and building brand loyalty, SMS marketing can help businesses reach their target audience in a highly effective and personalized way. If you are looking for a valuable and cost-effective marketing stream to add to your DTC marketing strategy, look no further than SMS marketing.