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As a digital marketing agency in Chicago, we know the competition is stiff when it comes to choosing where to work, which is why Logical is focused on creating an exceptional experience for both our clients and employees alike. As a Great Place To Work certified company, we solicit feedback on all areas we’re excelling toward this goal and where we still have room to grow. Our employees use words such as opportunity, happy, people, and community to describe who we are – check it out here!


Logical wanted to take the time each month to individually spotlight the amazing, talented, and exceptional collection of digital marketers that make up our team, This month our employee spotlight is on Kevin Hughes, who has been with Logical for 2.5 years as the Account Director. Read below to learn more about Kevin and the great work he does at Logical!


First and Last Name

Kevin Hughes


Nickname (office nickname) or name you go by

Country Thunder


Position Title

Director of Growth


What do you do at Logical? (What are your responsibilities, day to day, types of accounts, etc)

Manage client relationships, ensure client delivery is up to standards, retain clients and grow their initial contracts to include more services and channels.


How long have you been here?

2 years and 9 months


What Logical value resonates most with you and why (Uplift, Commit, Teach, Be, Test, Communicate)

Communicate – I’m in the customer service part of the business and keeping everyone on the same page (by Zoom, no less) is an exciting challenge to take on. 


Where is your hometown?

Knoxville, Tennessee



Undergrad Degree


What are you most proud of accomplishing in your time here?

I’m proud of the work i’ve been able to contribute to growing our Account Management and E-Commerce team, creating new opportunities for success as an agency. 


Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and how many?

One large and very floofy dog.


What can you be found doing outside of work hours?

In 2020 I can usually be found in my apartment, with that large floofy dog 


Favorite Chicago Bar / Restaurant

Molly’s by Day, Lottie’s by Night


Book(s) you are currently reading or types of books you like to read

Vagabonding by Rolf Potts 


A quote you like to live by; life mantra

“Find something you love and let it kill you” – Bukowski (maybe) 


Favorite Sports Team

Tennessee Volunteers 


Favorite Movie

Midnight in Paris, Zero Dark Thirty, Tombstone  


What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I have a minor in poetry.

Kevin Hughes

Vice President at Logical Media Group